Tax (BAS)

T3 Partners are registered BAS Agents and provide a comprehensive range of Tax (BAS) related compliance services. When you utilise T3 Partners Tax (BAS) services you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you’ve covered by safe harbor provisions and you’ll receive services that are ethical and of a professional standard. Simply choose from our comprehensive range of compliance services and we’ll bundle them into one flexible annual service level package.

       1. Creating new data files
       2. Bookkeeping
       3. Payroll
       4. BAS Agent services

Creating new data files.

Ensuring you get the right information from your accounting system is largely determined by the way it’s set up. T3 Partners can assist you to set up your data file to achieve the absolute best results for your business. Whether you choose QuickBooks Online, Xero, Reckon Accounts (Desktop or Hosted) or Reckon One, we can assist with.

1. Structure the Chart of Accounts to suit entity and industry type
2. Structure the Item list to enhance reporting capability
3. Structure of additional lists (e.g. classes, locations and customers/jobs) to produce more useful operational reports from accounting data.

Bookkeeping services

T3 Partners provide a comprehensive range of bookkeeping services so assist you with mundane day to day tasks so that you can get on with what you do best – manage your business. Services include;

1. Data entry from source transactions
2. Bank and general ledger reconciliations
3. General preparation of file and liaison with external accountant
4. Electronic filing
5. Accounts receivable management including client facing collection
6. Accounts payable management including reporting on outstanding for approval and preparing EFT payment files for clients’ approval. 
7. Entering closing Journals supplied by external accountant.


T3 Partners can provide a plethora of comprehensive reports to assist the business owner with making management decisions based on real-time information. Whether it’s basic reports or more complicated reports such as acquittal reporting, job costing, cash flow or budgeting, report packs can be designed, created and provided on either a monthly or quarterly basis.

From simple through to more complex business requirements:
1.  Acquittal Reporting
2.  Job Costing
3.  Cashflow and budgets
4.  Customised Report Packs
5.  Management Reports
6.  Draft Financials
7.  Sales Reports

Payroll Services

T3 Partners provide a comprehensive payroll service that includes set up of payroll and payroll processing. Payroll set up services can include compliant set up of your payroll system ensuring it meets the terms of your award or enterprise agreement. Set up services may also include structuring payroll items to map to the general ledger, reporting across classes and locations and the review of existing payroll data.
T3 Partners also provide a payroll processing service where we can process your payroll for you. Our services include;

1. Superannuation – review, prepare and electronic lodgment via Super Clearing House
2. Workcover estimate of wages- review, prepare and electronic lodgment
3. IAS – review, prepare and electronic lodgment
4. PAYG (all types) – review, prepare and electronic lodgment
5. State payroll tax – review, prepare and electronic lodgment
6. Taxable payments (TPAR) – review, prepare and electronic lodgment



We Provide High Quality Services

Tax (BAS)

In addition to our training and consulting services, T3 Partners’ consultants are all registered BAS agents and can provide a comprehensive range of bookkeeping services.

Click here for more information.

Training & Consulting

Once you have your business applications in place, we can offer a variety of tailored training & consulting services to ensure you get the right amount of support to match your needs. 

Click here for more information.


As accounting software specialists, T3 Partners has the knowledge to take the guesswork out of finding and implementing the perfect accounting solution and Apps for your business.  

Click here for more information.

Xero Silver