Keypay has some great product enhancements. Click on any of the links below for more information.
- Improved pay run listing on the dashboard. The pay run listing on the dashboard has, up until now, been rather rudimentary, simply showing a list of the 5 most recent pay runs (with a link off to another page to ‘view all’).Keypay have made some great updates to this pay run listing now so that it is much more functional.
- Get staff insights with the roster summary view. Want to quickly see who’s working today? Need to know who’s rostered to work on Friday? Need to check you’ve got enough bar staff to cover the evening shift?Then you’re going to love the roster summary review in KeyPay.The roster summary view allows you to see a quick snapshot of who has been rostered on to work, where they’re working and, by switching between day and week view, you can see exactly when they’re working.
- Enhanced timesheet permissions for managers and employees. With more and more businesses using our timesheets functionality, keypay have realised the need of providing greater flexibility to users regarding the permissions available to them. Follow the link above to see the list of changes made.
- Expiring qualifications can now be viewed on the dashboard. As you would all be aware, users can create and assign qualifications against an employee and specify whether such qualification has an expiry date or not. In addition to being able to generate a report on employee qualifications, expired qualifications are listed within the ‘Warnings’ tab of the pay run screen. These warning can now be viewed on the dashboard.
- Report pack emails can now be customised. Keypay have now taken report packs a step further by allowing you to configure the email that a recipient of a report pack receives. This adds a personal touch and gives you the opportunity to add any additional information or comments specific to each report pack. Follow the link to read what can be configured.
- Simpler public holiday management. From now on, it is no longer necessary to set up your public holidays manually (although you can definitely customise them if you need to). KeyPay will provide an up to date set of public holidays in each business, automatically. Follow the link to read more.